We made good progress getting the paneling up in the bedroom area. The pictures show the view looking aft and also one
looking forward. If you look close you can see all the electrical and plumbing that will be accesible through a small door
over the bed. I have valves from all 3 water tanks so I can manage the trim by using the water out any of the 3 tanks or all
three at once. The quilt on the bed is Debbie's effort to make the cabin very colorful. I think it works well. She hopes to
have it done when we hit the water. I worked finishing the closet around the water heater and getting in the long counter
on the starbard side of the bedroom. It looks like we will pick up a lot of extra storage that we were not expecting and we
should end up with not one but two hanging lockers. A real bonus on a boat!! I fired up the fridge yesterday before we came
home and returned tonight to find my water bottles frozen and it's not even on the coldest setting. The fridge has a little
hum to it but I think it's going to work out real well. It should get quiter when we get all the insulation in place. I'm
also going to put a rubber dampener under it to absorb some of the vibration.
We have been busy this weekend putting on our daughter's wedding. It was a good time for all and the party afterwards
was nice. Did a lot of tours of the boat for our dear friends and family. I've been working on the closet next to the fridge.
The front panel was cut out and will be paneled this week. I had to pick up more of the paneling, which means more staining,
sanding and 3 coats of urathane. Hopefully this will be enough to finish the cabin. We will have more room than expected with
the closet. It will be part hanging locker and part pantry. It's off to Florida this weekend for a final shopping spree
at the marine salvage yards and a visit with family and then a week on Carnvial's new ship, The Glory, headed to Costa Maya
and Cozemel? Mexico. The rest and relaxation should do us good. It'll be full speed ahead on the "Leah Gent" when we return.
7/19/03 We're back. We had a good cruise on the Carnaval Glory. We were the first passengers
on this new ship and oh what a ship. It barely fits in Port Canaveral. Cozamel had the clearest water I have ever seen.
Went fishing for Marlin while there. Caught one dolphin in 150' feet of water just off the beach and you could see the bottom.
Amazing! I had forgotten how strong the sun is that close to the equator but I should be back to my normal
color in a few weeks. We picked up the material for the rub rails while in Florida. I got the idea that starboard would
work well due to the fact that it comes in sheets that are 3/4" thick and I can work it with all my woodworking tools and
nothing in the world will stick to it. It's a slick plastic material that they make cutting board out of and I was able to
find several 8'x6" peices that fit in the Honda for the trip home. We will save a coulple hundred bucks doing the rails this
way. We also picked up lots of odds and ends from Ken Gearing at the Flounder Pounder and Marine Surplus Unlimited in Daytona
I just spent the last 3 days sanding in preperation for putting the primer on the sides. The starboard side is pretty
much ready and the roof is finished sanded and waiting for paint. I decided that I only want to mask the whole boat one
time so I'll try to get the back deck, port side and front ready for primer instead of doing it peice meal like I usually
do. I'll need to sand the primer after it goes on before painting but hope to get a weeks worth of time on the boat beginning
next Friday. We ordered the cushions for the booth and also the matress for the bed. They should have them ready for us later
this week. Debbie is planning on doing the upolstery unless we can find a good price from someone else. Seeing as how
we live in the "Furniture capital of the world" there should be some local talent that needs some evening work. I recieved
an email from Mark Van Abbema aboard the Heart of Gold II and he was in North Carolina and heading to the Chesapeke for the
summer. I was hoping to catch up with him but maybe we will see him on his way back to Florida later this year. I would be
curious to know how many miles he will have on his boat when he finishes this trip but I would dare say it will be several
thousand at least. I think it speaks well for this design. I"ll try to put up a picture as soon as I get the primer
on and then another when the paint goes on. Untill then.............