9/12/04 We made it back to NC and the boat made it back to Oriental just in time for hurricane Ivan. Hopefully
Ivan will go west and not be much of a factor. It was strange to be home again after 3 months away. Nice to see all our friends
and family. We leave for the coast in the morning for a weeks worth of work on the boat to get ready for the Georgetown Wooden
Boat show next month. We are looking forward to the trip south. The one thing we notice the most is the increase in temps
and humidity. I'll keep posting my thoughts as I go so stay tuned................
9/24/04 We haven't fallen off the horizon.....yet, but have taken a week off at home to rest up for the upcoming
trip. We worked on the boat for a week getting the water line repainted. I had raised the waterline before we left and didn't
get the off white paint sanded down enough or maybe I didn't let the bottom paint dry long enough but in any case it came
off in the first washing. As long as the boat was out of the water while bing shipped south I thought it a good time
to repaint. I think it should hold better this time. We are in Pittsburgh this week end to visit our youngest daughter, Julie.
Her dental school is a year round affair now that she is seeing patients and I don't expect she will have time to visit us
after we head south. We hope to leave in another week or so.
10/6/04 Well, we're back. Actually we are really gone. Gone cruising that is. We left Oriental today and are in
Beaufort, NC tonight at the town docks. Oriental, we have decided, is the hardest place to leave. Life there is just right
and there really is no reason to go anywhere else. The people are nice, there are lots of boats and we really love it there.
But we had to give Tom and Liz Lathrop's dock back eventually and that put's us here tonight. Tom and Liz were generous enough
to let us use their home while they were away. Thanks guys!! Ken Brandon, one of the Oriental good guys, came by the
boat but we must have missed him. You see, I know he came by because there was a dollar under my power cord next to the connection.
I had to think about why there would be a dollar under the cord but I remember handing Ken a dollar at the Bean one morning
to settle his morning coffee tab a few weeks ago. I had forgotten about the dollar but Ken had not. And that's
how life works in Oriental!!
The Neuse river was in it's usual bad mood but it's only 5 miles across. The trip to Beaufort was all downwind after
we got in the canal and we are here hanging out with at least 7 mega yachts of 75 feet and up. I hope we don't have to pass
these guys in the morning!!